
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Wild Free-roaming Horses & Burros Act of 2010

Wild Horse (and Burro) Warriors

To: The 111th Congress of the United States

Be it that the BLM is currently holding more wild horses and burros in captivity than it can afford to maintain, (said to be approximatly 35,-40,000 and growing) and be it that by BLMs own admission, there is far more adoptable horses being held in these holding facilities than there is a demand for,...and be it that again, by the BLMs own admission, the Wild Horse and Burro Management Program is in crisis because of the great number of wild equines currently being held in captivity at these facilities,....We, the People of the United States who care about the welfare of Americas Equines and in particular our Nations Wild Ones, hereby submit this proposal to our representatives as well as to all members of Congress in hopes of providing a way for interested parties to come together and work towards enactment of these clauses as listed below which would allow a viable, cost-effective means to avoid the very real threat of un-necessary "euthansia" that these thousands of wild horses and burros being held in captivity are facing.

A Proposal


Preserving those provisions of the 1971 Act not amended herein, including that provision which entitles the wild horses and burros to principal use of their historic rangelands "as found in 1971," and;

Amending,removing,replacing and/or adding certain portions and provisions of The Act to:

1. Declare Equines a National Treasure;

2. Prohibiting the slaughter of any American Equine as well as prohibiting their sale or transfer to other parties for the purpose of slaughter.

3. Remove the Burns/Reid rider amendment that allows for the unrestricted sale of some wild horses or burros and replace with a "Pickins Plan" Amendment that would allow for placement of excess wild horses and burros in private or public sanctuaries while still maintaining the protections of this Act.

4. Correct the Omission of the 92nd Congress in failing to provide protections in the 1971 Act for ALL wild free-roaming horses and burros on all of our Nations public lands.

5. Declare, as the 109th Congress did, and re-affirm that December 13th is a National Day of the Horse and is to be celebrated annually.

The New Act, once written up and incorporated with the un-amended portions of the Old (1971) Act,...will superceede and replace the Old Act and the New Act will be Known As: "The Wild and Free-roaming Horses and Burros Act of 2010."

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