
Sunday, July 25, 2010

BLM’s Wild Horse Bloodbath Continues

(In My Humble Opinion) by R.T. Fitch ~ author of Straight from the Horse’s Heart
Cleverly tucked away on private land the BLM conducts secret operations that kill our Wild Mustangs
The "good ole days" of "MANAGING" wild horses to extinction
The death toll rises, as per the BLM’s own stats:
Total for the Calico Massacre = 158
Total for the Tuscarora Farce = 22
Again, “that we know of” as the BLM shamelessly hides in the shadows and conducts its shady business from behind closed private gates away from the watchful eyes of the U.S. public and press.
“When you know you are wrong you hide.
When you are afraid of being caught you rush.
When you get stuck in a lie you stomp your foot, point your finger and cuss.”
So reads the current mission statement of Bob Abbey, Ken Salazar and President Obama’s BLM.
No accountability;  the only deliverables required are to the special interest groups that are, obviously, greasing the palms of individuals very high up the food chain.  Corruption runs freely and always has within the Department of Interior and its Bureau of Land Management.
BLM's current preferred weapon for destroying wild horses - the Helicopter
The new President promised change and we got it; we changed from being in a bad situation into something severely worse.  We went from a corrupt federal bureaucracy to a form of government that in the recent past we have sent young men and women out to fight and die against.  Thanks to the new administration we have now become our own worst enemy and still all we get is a deaf ear.
There is far worse going on in our country than the BLM’s massacre of our national icon, the wild horses (not to the horses of course).  But the horses put it into perspective, they provide the focus and offer a micro version of all that is wrong within our government and they are doing this at the expense of their lives.
The leadership and management staff of the BLM have become the enemies of the union, the violators of the law and the agents of chaos to the American public.  They operate outside legal parameters and flaunt their crimes while lawsuits continue to mount in an effort to stop their illegal crusade.
It’s a sad day when the citizens of the United States are required to use their hard earned dollars through the court system in an effort to stop a rogue government agency which is funded through taxation of the very same group of people.
It’s time for Congress to get off its dead ass and call these crooks to task.
It’s time for the new President to listen to the people, for a change, and call for a moratorium on these roundups.
It is time for the American public to make a serious paradigm shift under a new rallying call…”Vote the Bums Out!
If they won’t listen, they’ve got to blinking go…every last one of them!
“For the Horses!”
Call Secretary Salazar, your Representative and Senators and demand that they stop the tax-payer funded disaster in Tuscarora before more mustangs are killed.
Phone: 202-208-3100
Fax: 202-208-6956
(send free online faxes via

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