
Monday, July 19, 2010

Food For Thought if You Live in Arizona




February 8, 2010

by nopoliticallemmings

Not since President Reagan, has there been any serious attention to stopping illegal aliens from entering America. Most Americans thought that after the Muslim Terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, our complacent federal government would have awakened to the very real threat posed by our open borders. President Bush(43) continued his same open borders policies throughout his two terms of office. The threats to America’s safety from further Islamic attack are well documented.

In the wake of 9/11, Mara Salvatrucha attracted the attention of top al Qaeda officials, who realized that the gang could be used to smuggle operatives and weapons into the United States. An agreement was forged between the terrorists and the gang-bangers. In exchange for safe passage across the border, al Qaeda – – through its cells in South America – – agreed to pay the Maras from $30,000 to $50,000 for each sleeper agent they managed to smuggle into the country with bogus matricula consulars.

Matricula consulars are official identification cards that are issued by the Mexican government through its consular offices. The cards verify that the bearers are Mexican citizens who are living outside of Mexico with the government’s permission. (link)

The FBI has long warned the Federal Government, state agencies, banks and businesses about the huge and active threats posed by fraudulent matricula consular cards. These fake identification ‘documents’ are available for a little as $90 on the streets of Los Angeles, California.

What kind of numbers are we talking about when referring to this continuous invasion of America? Some very conservative estimates are showing between 1,100 and 2,800 illegal aliens per day are entering our southern 2,000 mile border. Illegal alien apprehension figures for 2005 show 1,200,000 were arrested by Border Patrol Agents. The reality of arrest effectiveness is that fewer than 1 in 5 illegal aliens are caught; for every one that is caught 5-6 illegal aliens enter America. The actual number of illegal aliens entering America each year is closer to 7,200,000 or about 19,700 per day!

Here is a short video that shows 112 border invaders on one day on one trail:

The Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gangsters are ultra-violent and are known to cut-off the heads of government officials and their family members in Mexico and Central American countries. MS-13 is making millions of dollars for the Mexican Drug Cartels by smuggling the Special Interest Aliens (SIAs) into America. According to Sheriff D’Wayne Jenigan of Del Rio, Texas, thousands of Middle Eastern men of military age from: Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria and Yemen illegally enter America each year and have been for many years.

The problem with Islamic SIAs is so significant that the government is seeking out Spanish-Arabic linguists and has ‘imported’ many from Southern Mexico to work with Border Patrol.

The routes used by illegal aliens to enter the U.S. have become littered with discarded Muslim prayer blankets, pages from Islamic texts, and Arabic newspapers. Law enforcement officials have named such passageways “terrorists’ alleys” and a street leading north from the city of Douglas, Arizona, as “Arab Road.” (link)

Even as President Obama knows of our porous borders, he has eliminated money from the border protection programs from the current 2011 Budget. Representative Hal Rogers (R-Ky), who is the top Republican on the House panel that oversees the Dept. of Homeland Security’s budget, says funding specifically for border security is “woefully inadequate” and “as dangerous as it is indefensible.” For example, the ‘virtual’ fence of camera/sensor towers will be even more of a fiction. That electronic system that has had tens of millions of dollars spent but has not been effectively working in 6 years faces a $225 million dollar cut in funding. Technical difficulties have delayed the implementation of this virtual system yet we continue to spend millions of dollars on this virtual bill of goods. If the virtual fence is so good, why doesn’t the White House rely on one, instead of that unsightly physical fence?

As a result of the unsuccessful Muslim attack on Christmas Day, we learn that the 2011 DHS Budget has set aside money to buy 500 high-tech body scanners. It has also come to our attention that the Muslim Jihadis on the way here to kill us via commercial airlines are going to be carrying surgically implanted body bombs with chemical initiation (no blasting caps or electronics or batteries). For more information on this, please read our blog topic for 02/03/20-10.

In 2005, then-Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano (current DHS Secretary) declared a State of Emergency in order to get Federal funding in an effort to reduce the amount of drug and human smuggling on Arizona’s border. DHS Secretary Napolitano’s spokesman, Bobby Whithorne says the 2011 budget “continues to supports smart, effective programs to strengthen border and interior security” while making “significant investments in aviation security.”

Our virtual border will continue to be as effective a barrier to the real invasion of our country as air is a barrier for the humans and vehicles that cross that imaginary line in the sand every day. Until we install the effective barriers that were signed into law under the Bush (43) Administration, we have no real border for our country. There may be close to one hundred thousand Muslim sleeper cell members in America just waiting for that activation code in the email. It is time for America to fully wake-up before the Jihadis do.

Link: http://nopoliticallemmings.wordpress...rtual-borders/

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