
Friday, July 23, 2010

BLM Wild Horse Spin Club

An Editorial on Truth Spinners

The Desert Independent
July 23, 2010
Nevada, USA
There has been a lot of information put out by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lately. Much of it nonsense. For this editorial, I picked a couple of important items that I believe shows just how these BLM idiots believe their own ..... Well let's just say, they've been drinking the kool-ade.
Spinner #1: Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior
Ken says:
The roundup of wild horses is a necessity because the mustang population is growing so fast that horses are running out of food, water and harming the native land and wildlife.
So Ken  – just how are you managing your two natural disasters? It must take a lot of your time to kill hundreds of horses, while putting thousands of people out of works in the oil industry.
Spinner #2: Heather Emmons, a spokeswoman for the BLM in Nevada
Heather says:
It is required by law to balance the needs of multiple interests on public lands, including wild horses, wildlife, mining and livestock. Wild horses, which have few predators and double their population every four years, can damage habitat shared by endangered and threatened species such as the pygmy rabbit and the lahontan cutthroat trout.
If we let them eat everything and we started having mass die-offs of protected species, can you imagine the outcry?
These horses were without water for several days.
So Heather – just how do those horses drink so much water that they endanger the trout. Then the high priced fishing parties won't be able to play their flies. Starting to get it. Heather, please tell us again about how terribly easy it is for horses to get to water, when they have to sprout wings to cross cattle ranchers fences? Hmmmmmm Heather. Better ask the boss.
Ooops, better not, he's a little busy trying to clean up that other little mess.

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