
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wyoming Rep “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis May Lose Seat

(The News as We See It) by R.T. Fitch ~ author of “Straight from the Horse’s Heart

Where Weight Watchers Failed an Election May Prevail

Sue Wallis's reign of destruction upon the American Horse may soon end

WY Rep. Sue Wallis, the “Grand Dame” of bloody horse slaughter, may soon learn that the good people of Wyoming have had enough of her self-serving ways and negative regional publicity as they head to the polls on Tuesday to choose between the horse eater, an Independent or a Libertarian.

Wallis is up for a third term representing District 52 in Wyoming’s house of representatives. In a recent interview, Independant candidate Travis Hackert, a rancher and tire store owner, says that he does not think that Wallis has done a good job representing her constiuants while she jaunts around the country promoting the killing of horses, both domestic and wild, for human consumption,

“I think the current representative is in a self-serving position,” he said. “She’s not voting like we would want her to vote.”

Hakert said he’s running because Wallis’ refusal to oppose anti-gay marriage and pro-life bills are out of line with what her constituents want.

Hakert, the chairman of the Campbell County Conservation District, is pro-life and against allowing marriage or civil unions for same-sex couples.

He also thinks laws against illegal immigrants in the state aren’t aggressive enough, though he said he hasn’t yet penciled out exactly how such laws should be strengthened.

“I’m hoping that we can lock up enough of them that the federal government will have to do something with them,” he said.

Hakert said eminent domain should never be used by private companies and should be employed by the government only as a last resort. Property rights, he said, “should be protected above all others.”

Twenty nine year old Navy Veteran and Libertarian candidate Nick De Laat was interviewed earlier in the year by SFTHH and commented on “Slaughterhouse” using her political seat to promote the unlawful practice of slaughtering horses for food,

“Every dog that this family has cared for has been one that we adopted from the local pound.” Said De Laat. “I am shocked at my opponent’s stance on horse slaughter as the act of killing horses to eat goes against the grain of what I support.”

De Laat, the vice-chairman of the Wyoming Libertarian Party, said he’s running because he doesn’t see enough statesmen in Wyoming government any more.

And he’s not the only one in his household to try and change that: his wife Candice is the Libertarian nominee for Wyoming secretary of state.

If elected, De Laat said he’d push for Wyoming to use its eminent domain powers to condemn and take over all Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service land in the state.

Because all the mineral revenue from those lands then start flowing into the state’s coffers, De Laat said Wyoming could then look to abolish the state sales tax, vehicle property tax and fuel tax.

“I know it’s aggressive, but aggressive is what we need,” he said.

De Laat also said Wyoming should stop any federal education funding from coming into the state, as the money brings with it too many restrictions and requirements for matching state funding.

De Laat admitted it’s “almost impossible” for a Libertarian to win a legislative race. But he said that unlike Republicans and Democrats — who are often difficult to tell apart, he said — voters know that candidates who run as Libertarians value principle over simply getting elected.

“I am not aligned with Rep. Wallis’ arguments on the issue of “unwanted” horses and would tend to believe that responsible breeding and shelters would be the proper way to manage any issue of horses in need.” stated De Laat.

“It’s time that we get this country back on track and I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to run for office and, hopefully, to make a difference.”

Equine welfare advocates from around the world will have their eyes focused upon the election results of Wyoming’s District 52 with hopes that the woman who has centered her life around killing horses and her faithful sidekick David Duquette will no longer be able to inappropriately utilize her elected public office to promote her personal and predatory agenda.

Wallis Puts Wild Horses on her Menu

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