
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Obama Administration’s Animal Cruelty is Apparent in Wild Horse Stampede Video

Straight from the Horse's Heart

(In my most OUTRAGED Opinion) by R.T. Fitch ~ Author and Director of HfH Advisory Council

BLM’s Bob Abbey Can’t Polish this Turd

President Obama, remember the campaigning animal friendly guy, sat back idly last winter while his Director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Bob Abbey, directed his bunch of armed thugs and contractors to harass, stampede, capture and ultimately kill hundreds of wild horses both during and after the deplorable Calico Complex stampede and by God our country’s leader is doing the same blinking thing this year.
Bob Abbey, recently caught in a fantasticly stunning lie regarding Madeline Pickens attempt to offer sanctuary to wild horses in long term holding, has been ragging on advocates along with his PR man Tom Gorey saying that the use of the word “stampede”, versus the quaint sounding “gather”, is just more anti-BLM propaganda from animal rights activists.  But get it right Bobby, if you can, it always has been and forever will be a stampede when you terrorize wild animals to the extent that they run for their lives at the cost of their health, future and for many their very breath of life.  And for the record we are equine advocates and not animal rights activists you putz; hell, we tax paying Americans don’t have any rights thanks to the likes of yourself how stupid do you think we would be if we thought for a moment that animals should have rights?
Now, thanks to Obama’s main man Abbey, there is blood on the ground and cruelty in the air.  The BLM shot one horse that broke it’s hip while packed into a trailer with 40 other panicked national icons and the following video is of a mature mare run right flat into the ground by one of Bobby and Obama’s highly paid helicopter stampede artists.  Only into day five and lives are being snuffed out.
Bobby, I wouldn’t expect anything other than this from your cold, cruel black heart as you have been suckling on that fat government teat for so long you that have lost touch with reality but Mr. President, how could you…is this the sort of bedtime story that you want YOUR children to view and what sort of legacy are you leaving for your Presidency?!?
Watch the video; your polices and their intent are obvious, the desired conclusion is telegraphed, your odds of being reelected are evaporating.  It’s time for you to keep your promises.
(And for those of you out there with a heart and soul, buckle up your seat belt and get a firm grip on the arms of your chair because you are about to see your tax dollars spent to do some of the most evil works you have seen in a while, or since the last Abbey stampede.  Note the streaming sweat, the exhaustion and the puffs of exhalation coming from this terrorized treasure’s body and nose.  It is sickening and turns my stomach.  In the recent past, such cruelty was a catalyst for our country to pick up arms and fight to save the innocent abroad, now, the inhumanity occurs within our borders and the perpetrator is our elected government.  This is not the government that I bore arms to protect, this is not the land that I remember from the past, this is not the heart that beats in all Americans, this is simply a cold and bloody travesty!!)

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