
Friday, February 11, 2011

Stop the Obama Horse Harvesting Machine

Straight from the Horse's Heart

(In My Humble and Outraged Opinion) by R.T. Fitch~author/Director of HfH Advisory Council

A Call to Action: Stop the Stampedes NOW

Obama Wild Horse Harvesting Machine ~ courtesy of John Holland
Recently, during the Antelope Complex stampede, the BLM reported that one of the horses that they had run for miles and miles in freezing temperatures had a gunshot wound to its upper left shoulder.
The mare was transferred to the holding facility and allegedly kept separate but according to the BLM the horse “spun around” and broke that same leg resulting in the horse being euthanized the following day.
This incident brings to light a bushel basket of questions; w as it a fresh wound, was it visibly bleeding, was the horse exhibiting signs of difficulty in movement, etc. etc.?  But the biggest point that rushes to the forefront is the fact that here is another compromised wild horse, run inhumanly for miles and miles while being terrorized and assaulted by the BLM’s contractor stampede helicopter.  Is this or is this not yet another clear cut case of not only incompetence on the part of the BLM but also raging, screaming animal cruelty, AGAIN?!
The BLM is “investigating” this incident just like they are “investigating” the documented acts of animal cruelty committed by their own contracted helicopter stampede pilot.  The pilot that runs old mares into the ground and uses his aircraft as a battering ram on these terrified wild mustangs.  Is the BLM also investigating why there are dozens of horse dying of illness at the secretive, locked Broken Arrow facility?  Personally, I have had enough of the alleged internal investigations as it is time that a higher authority steps in and put the brakes on Obama’s Horse Harvesting Machine while we figure out exactly what the hell is going on.
I, personally, worry and fret over relaying bad and bloody news day after day to an audience of caring and compassionate souls.  The fear is that it could drive many into sensory overload and the result would be good folks turning away, closing their eyes and switching off their hearts as for some it is just too much to bear.  But the reality is that we need as many people as we can possibly wake up to see this news, to understand what is going on with our national icons and to speak in a loud and collective voice that we have simply “HAD ENOUGH”!  And I, for one, feel exactly that way…I have had enough of the lies, sneaking, cheating, law twisting and excuse making.
Our Federal government is giving millions of our hard earned tax dollars to private citizens to do everything that the BLM and Congress says you cannot do to our federally protected wild horses, i.e. chase, harass and remove them from their rightful public lands.  It is an affront to the intent of the law yet they do it day in and day out right before our very eyes and laugh at us as they do it.  Remember, YOU are the enemy, YOU are the one under scrutiny and YOU are the one who is wrong in the eyes of the fat government employees who have held onto their useless and high paying government jobs for so long that they have lost touch with the truth, the American way and their very souls.
Like you, I have called, written, spoken to and debated with these elected and/or appointed public servants until I am blue in the face and I am not stopping now.  It’s time to shut down the Wild Horse Eradication Program and put a moratorium on this bloody embarrassment so that we can get a team of educated and knowledgeable experts in the field to determine the exact number of horses, both in the wild and in holding, and also to investigate the gross disparity of the BLM’s private cattle grazing program.  This welfare ranching is not in the best interest of the American people.
This week a data rich team of motivated and skilled advocates are going to D.C. to try to do just that; defund the BLM’s insane wild horse managed extinction program.  I suggest and implore you to support them in their endeavors as many of us, due to outside influences, cannot attend.  Listen to them, respond their requests and needs and stand with them by the fax or by the phone so that your voice will stand with theirs.  We have to stop this, folks.
Also, support the legal efforts of Grass Roots Horse and HfH Advisory Council both of which are fighting, mostly with personal funds, the BLM behind the scenes with little fanfare.  Grass Roots is fighting for our rights for access and the Advisory Council is fighting the bad math that is used to zero out wild horse herds.  Both of these organizations are making progress but they need help to ensure that their kind attorneys can continue to be reimbursed for their efforts.
Grass Roots also has Laura Leigh in the field, this is no damn vacation for Laura and she depends upon outside support to keep her out there, to be a witness for the horses.  Even the BLM has admitted that this year she has been to more stampedes than any BLM employee, that is a whole lot of heart, guts and soul.  Let’s keep gas in her tank and food in her belly
And for those of you who like to plan into the future, put the dates of March 10th and 11th on your calendar as that is when the bogus and horse hating BLM Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board is planning to meet in Phoenix, AZ.
I know, we have been there before, traveled at our own expense, presented verified data and heartfelt pleas only to be insulted and flipped off by both the disengaged board members but by high ranking BLM officials.  We won’t go for them, we will go for the horses and make stand.  It’s a perfect time for US to gather and collectively bring this to the forefront of the American conciseness.  The BLM has been kind enough to set a date, select the venue and alert the media, let’s grab this one by the horns and make it count.  Thousands of outraged citizens making a stand before the puny self-interest group who have no more horse-sense than a shovel full of cow crap, sorry cows, it would be a day to remember.
So let’s get the show on the road and shut this down.  I look forward to this upcoming week and spreading some good news for a change, let’s stop these bloody stampedes and let’s stop them know.
For all of you in the field and fighting the fight face to face I scream in my very loudest of voices,
“May the Force of the Horse© be with You and God bless!!!”

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