
Monday, June 20, 2011

FIRES: from Judy Glore, H.E.A.R.T of Tucson

Hi everyone. We are in need of rain here badly. Our city was covered in smoke today

from the fires all around us. I am putting out a call to all of you that live in

Arizona to offer up a stall, a safe place to save a horse right now. They are dying

by being burned up because people have to evacuate their homes on short notice and

leave their animals. This is the most serious thing we have ever talked about with

you all. Please if you live in the area and have open stalls call us at

520-445-1510, If you can offer anything at this point we can use it. Halters, lead

ropes, trailers to haul, food. People are in a bad way here and need our help,

please help us to help them. Dog people we need homes for the dogs, and goats, and

chickens please get in touch with us so that we can help them all. We need places

for goats, chickens, pigs, horses, cows, dogs, cats. if you can help please let us

know. The fire jumped Highway 92 today and is going through many homes. Also a brand

new fire just started in Nogales and is headed our way, we need to get all the

people that can help the animals together fast.
More as/if I get it. Thanks. Barb

Editing/UPDATE from Toni Leo, Whisper's Sanctuary

Hello All,

here is an updated list of things that are needed in Sonoita.  We're awaiting the list from the SV Riding Club.  Today was a very devastating day with the winds, and we're seeing more evacuations occurring and more animals being brought in.  Ft Huachuca has evacuated their horses as a precautionary measure, and we're triaging the needs of folks housing large quantities of horses.  Please also call donations in to local feed stores High Noon Feed (455-5734) and Sonoita Feeds (455-5544) who can deliver across the street to the Fairgrounds.

Thank you so much to all those who have helped already.  There are thousands of traumatized people and animals here who are eternally appreciative of the community support.

Please keep the following people in your thoughts and prayers:

Ann Jost of Care for the Horses and her network of volunteers.  Ann is one amazing woman, assurring so many animals make it out of this crisis alive;

Steve Boice and Theresa Worrell of Horse n' Around for all their efforts to transport horses;

the folks at the SV Riding Club, and all the volunteers transporting livestock and horses to safety;

those who have lost their homes and animals;

the firefighters and first responders;

the traumatized people of SV and  Hereford .

Thanks for spreading the word!


Sonoita fairgrounds wish list:

    Wheel barrows
    Muck forks
    Water buckets
    Muck buckets
    Fly masks
    Bermuda or bermuda blend pellets

    Pick up and delivery may be arranged with Marleigh 520-400-1133 for those who cannot deliver their donations

    Donations can aldo be dropped off at Sonoita fairgrounds

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