
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Joey Ogburn (formerly of Luv Shack) Update

Dear Friends:

I wanted to take a moment to speak  you about what has been happening in my life and with Luv Shack.

First, thank you so very much for your amazing support over the years.   Your financial generosity, your prayer support, your counsel and wisdom - your many kind gifts of your treasure and time and talents have blessed me so much more than I could ever convey to you.  You made my work with the amazing horses and precious children possible.  Thank you!  I have chosen to resign from the organization I started.  I don't want to rehash the things that have caused me to get to this very sad point.  However, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me.

As we have discussed, my work with the horses and kids - the work that you have been supporting so faithfully - is continuing in a way far beyond what I could have ever imagined or dreamed. Here I was hoping and praying that I would find a team to help me, I just didn't realize when answered it wouldn't look anything like I anticipated, it just got better!  I am now part of a truly powerful organization called REIGNING GRACE RANCH. I have accepted the position as the Director of Horse Rescue, Rehabilitation & Adoption.  I will also be working side by side with Amanda Moore who is the Director of the Children's Programs at Reigning Grace.

Those of you who know me well,know I don't let any "grass" grow under my feet and only a week with Reigning Grace Ranch, we ended 2011 rescuing 6 miniature horses- Jasper, Indi, Raleigh, Brookland, Page, and Charlotte.  They are the cutest! Their owner could no longer take care of them due to the economy. Medical care is much needed for these little beauties- two are stallions and need to be gelded, dental work, hoof care and vaccine.  Please, if you are able to donate in honor of these amazing creatures, o to our website click on How you Can Help.  Stay tuned because our newest rescues will be featured on our website soon!

Again, thank you for your past support and I am so excited to be able to let you know that the work you have loved and supported is continuing.  : )

The address of Reigning Grace Ranch is 30514 North 162nd Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85262

My new email address

Thanks again!  Together we will make a difference in this world by following our purpose!

Joey Ogburn
Director of Horse Rescue, Rehabilitation & Adoption
602 400 0826

Reigning Grace Ranch

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