
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tell Interior Secretary to Dump Pro-Wild Horse Slaughter Appointee

Care2 Petition Site

Tell Interior Secretary to Dump Pro-Wild Horse Slaughter Appointee
  • signatures: 11,354

  • signature goal: 50,000
The Secretary of the Interior has, for the second time in a row, selected an openly pro-horse slaughter person to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board. Callie Hendrickson, an anti-wild horse activist, pro-horse slaughter proponent, has been selected to represent the interests of the 'General Public' on the board.
It is well known that Hendrickson supports horse slaughter, and the sale without limitation of all unadopted wild horses to the highest bidder (including kill buyers). She supports the removal of all the wild horses in the West Douglas Creek herd on Colorado's Western Slope. She has testified in support of anti-wild horse legislation and will speak at the second pro-slaughter conference (Summit of the Horse) in Oklahoma City this Spring.
And Ms. Hendrickson is out of step with the overwhelming majority of Americans who oppose horse slaughter. According to a recent national poll conducted by Lake Research Partners for the ASPCA... more... TAKE ACTION!

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