Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year's Musings....“Old soldiers never die they just fade away”

As General MacArthur once said, “Old soldiers never die they just fade away.”

Having fought the corrupt powers of government for over a decade, I have decided that I, like this blog, will probably just eventually fade away. I have spent over four years of my life dedicated to and slaving over this blog. I have signed hundreds and hundreds of petitions to save our horses and nothing has changed. If anything, our horses are more in danger than ever.

Nevada Wild Horse Advocates Fear Slaughter « Straight from the Horse's Heart

I am old and I am tired. Looking forward to retirement, I always thought it would allow me more time to fight for some of the issues I have always fought for. But alas, I find myself facing something I would never have expected to admit. I fear the U.S. is now in decline. I have seen things I never thought I would see. Yes, maybe it is just a generational thing, or partly so, but I no longer think that our country will have the influence it once had. And yes, that is exactly what some people want to happen. Heading into a global society means less and less power by the largest players, an equalizing effect that is bound to happen.

What does this have to do with horses? Well, first of all the economy has a LOT to do with our horses, and our animals in general. For the first time ever, we see rescues popping up to specialize in animals who have been abandoned with foreclosures. I never dreamed I would ever witness this phenomenon, but there it is. All rescues, both large and small animals, are struggling in this economy, and I see no relief in sight. With more deficit spending, our government will not continue to hold our wild horses in pens for 20-30 years. Ain't gonna happen. Something will have to give.

The bottom line is that I no longer have the hope or energy to continue this fight. I also don't see the next generation stepping up to the plate. They are more concerned with the material aspects of their technology gadgets of phones, tablets, games.....

I know, I know. I sound like a crazy old coot who can't keep up. Maybe that's all it is. I certainly hope so.

But I fear I don't like the direction our country has taken in general. This may be the last hurrah here on this blog, and I'm guessing that the blog and I will just fade away.....

For now, here is all the news.

SFTHH 2012 in Review « Straight from the Horse's Heart

Video: Happy New Year from Straight from the Horse’s Heart « Straight from the Horse's Heart

2013 Ushers in New Hope for American Equines « Straight from the Horse's Heart

ABC News Investigations of the Year: Fighting Cruelty to Horses - ABC News

HBO Sued Over Alleged Horse Deaths Cover-Up on 'Luck' | Habitat For Horses | Horse Rescue | Adopt a Horse

Rescuing Mustangs in Need - – Iowa & Minnesota Together

Daughter’s memory lives on through pony rescue charity | guelphmercury

Wild Horse Advocates Go to Air Waves and Rally to Protect Nevada’s Virginia Range Herd « Straight from the Horse's Heart

Nevada Wild Horse Protest Set for Today | Horse Back Magazine

Nevada Board of Agriculture Discusses Horse Slaughter Plant for Virginia Range Wild Horses « Straight from the Horse's Heart

Editing to add this:

From EWA

Kudos to Willis Lamm and Carrol Abel for a most excellent radio program. John Holland was on first and as always, managed to discuss key facts in the allotted time. Craig Downer was also a guest on the program.

I don't see a link to the program on the website but Willis told me we should have a link within the next week or so.

Willis sent the below update yesterday. Following the update is a link to an AP article that Carrol provided under separate cover.

NV Board of Agriculture proposes a horse slaughter facility for Nevada.

Advocate Carrol Abel, while researching documents from the Nevada Department of Agriculture, uncovered that during discussion among the members of the Nevada Board of Agriculture on the subject of the Virginia Range horses, that they should develop a market, address public perceptions and get a horse slaughter plant started in Nevada.

Among the concepts discussed was that while the (elected) Legislature got hammered into the ground on anti-horse issues, the (appointed) Board of Agriculture 
"would not get hammered the same way it would be a subject we could put out."

Here is an example of how responsible these people are to the will of the citizens and of the appropriate processes that have been put in place.

"Think looking at putting facilities on Indian reservations which takes legislature and everybody out of the equation."

Yes, folks. This stuff is right there in the Board's official minutes.

The complete story can be found here:

That's the scoop. Please pass it on.

AP article:

Horse advocates fear slaughter of NV mustangs

Fresh lawsuit from Laura Leigh over Nevada roundup

Wild horses hitting a wire fence.
Wild horses hitting a wire fence.
Wild horse advocate Laura Leigh has filed a lawsuit against the Bureau of Land Management over its management of wild horses in the Owyhee Complex in northern Nevada.
The case was filed in Reno Federal District Court by Reno attorney Gordon Cowan for Leigh, founder of Wild Horse Education. It addresses a 10-year removal plan in the Owyhee Complex.
Leigh, who travels the west monitoring bureau-managed wild horse roundups, witnessed most of the roundup days during the first phase of the Owyhee plan.
A wild foal being roped during a roundup.
A wild foal being roped during a roundup.
Leigh alleges in the court documents that inappropriate conduct was observed repeatedly, including use of electric cattle prods, wild horses driven through barbed wire and operations in sub-freezing temperatures.
Leigh says the bureau has failed to implement any humane treatment standard for animal care and handling.
“I have tried everything I can think of to have a reasonable conversation about addressing these serious issues and the requests are ignored or dismissed,” she says.
“It is literal agony watching what I can only classify as a callous disregard for basic welfare go ignored. I felt there was no option but to file further litigation as I have every expectation the conduct will continue at Owyhee for the next decade.”
Leigh said that over the last two years the bureau had been making claims that a policy would be in place, or had created operation “memorandums”, that were ignored in practice.
“The BLM National office has been promising the public a policy, and giving deadlines for implementation that come and go with no forthcoming policy,” Leigh said. “Witnesses continue to see no change in handling of wild horses by the agency.”
Wild Horse Education’s media spokeswoman Marta Williams said: “We will continue to address the outrageous conduct in any way we can until there is an enforceable standard for humane treatment for America’s wild horses and burros.”