Saturday, December 7, 2013

Counting Wild Horses: An Aerial Tour of Twin Peaks Wild Horse and Burro Habitat

Straight from the Horse's Heart

Video and Commentary by Ney Grant
Forward by R.T. Fitch ~ co-founder/president of Wild Horse Freedom Federation
“For several years Straight from the Horse’s Heart (SFTHH) and Wild Horse Freedom Federation have followed the struggles of the last remaining wild horses and burros on one of the largest HMAs in the United States; Twin Peaks that stretches across the state lines of both California and Nevada.  Besides personal visits of our own, several other wild equine advocates have been keeping an eye on what is left free on the open range, one of those advocates is Grandma Greg who has documented her findings and made them public here on SFTHH.  Her most recent installment was “Where Have All the Wild Horses and Burros Gone?” which is pretty much required reading for any advocate as it contains links to the full report and many of the preceding documentation that verifies that contrary to what the BLM alleges there are ‘NO Excess Wild Horses and Burros.’
Last week a group of wildlife ecologists did an aerial assessment of what is left and we are pleased to share with you their video and ask that you click on the link at the conclusion of this post to visit their site to comment directly and encourage them for more aerial surveillance of our vanishing icons of American freedom.  Thanks to Ney Grant and for making this possible.  Keep the faith!” ~ R.T.
Ney Grant:
“I did this flight over the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area for LightHawk ( and wildlife scientists and experts Craig Downer, Jesica Johnston and Cate Scott. The purpose of the flight was to assess a recent burn area, and to observe and estimate the number of wild animals. We didn’t fly over 100% of the range, but they will look at our flight map, number of observations and density of animals (scarce food and water keeps the density low and constant) and make estimates of the number.
I apologize for the length at over 5 minutes, but it is such a powerful version of that song I couldn’t get myself to cut it down.
The wide angle of the GoPro on the wing makes the horses on the ground VERY small. But if you want to see some, look carefully at 4:59 in the video on the right hand side. I even drew a circle for a few frames.”

Please Click (HERE) to Comment Directly at Ney’s Site and Support His Efforts

Click (HERE) to Learn More About the Plight of the Wild Horses and Burros at Twin Peaks HMA

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