
Friday, November 13, 2009

Urgent Plea! NOW

Folks, I normally do not promote horse rescues here on the blog, because I would have to promote ALL of them to be fair.

Today is the exception!

I got an email from Wynne at Haciendo de los Milagros that the animals


Here is what Wynne said:

"They didn't eat this morning, and we know of a donation coming today that will cover 2 meals.  Since feed stores are not open on Sunday, we need to get Sunday and Monday morning in by Saturday, and another 2 to get us through Saturday night and Sunday morning.   And I've gotten used to eating as well.  my ss check went again this past month in a couple of days.  Be so happy when this economy turns around.


PLEASE, PLEASE HELP NOW! The quickest way to do that is to call the feed store:

Warren's Hay "N More, Chino Valley, AZ,


You can make a small donation to them over the phone, so we can GET THESE ANIMALS SOME FOOD.


Donate here at the site:


  1. I called the feed store and donated a little. Thanks for letting us know. I hope everybody gives a little. PAM

  2. Hi! I JUST got an update from Wynne.

    PayPal: 16 donations, total $1648.30

    Previous report was $2500.00 from the feed store. I think Wynne still needs to cross that $2500.00 with his donor list. That may not all be from us. More to come!

    Wynne is adding a new feature to his website called Q&A. He gets so many questions about burros, as they are NOT horses! Things are very different for the burros, so Wynne will attempt to answer some questions for us! I am looking forward to this feature, as I do not have burros and I was fascinated by a lot of the things Wynne has told me about them.

    Great news, folks! Thanks for all you do.

    Wynne and his burros will still need help and I encourage you to support a rescue YEAR ROUND. Whichever rescue you choose, remember that they always need the help!
