
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Battle to De-Fund U.S. Horse Slaughter is Not Over

Straight from the Horse's Heart

(In My Most Outraged Opinion) by R.T. Fitch ~ Author/Director of HfH Advisory Council

“Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis Conjures Up the Dark Force

Congressman James Moran, D-VA, a great American humanitarian and compassionate forward thinker
American horses won a brief victory this past week when the Congressional Appropriations Committee voted “Yes” to an amendment, authored by Congressman James Moran of Virginia, that would ensure  $5 million of hard earned tax dollars would not be spent on federal inspections of, currently, non-existent horse slaughter plants.  That language had been in the Agriculture Appropriations bill since 2006 but thanks to some under-handed, back door politicking it was deliberately left out, this time.
Below is a listing of those fine Americans who voted “YES” for the horses and those who voted “NO” and have no moral compass or interest in being reelected:
James Moran, D-Va. – Amendment that would bar the use of funds to pay the salaries for federal employees to inspect horses at U.S. meatpacking houses.
Adopted 24-21: R 8-20; D 16-1; I 0-0; May 31, 2011.
YEAS (24)
Republicans (8)
Calvert (Calif.) Crenshaw (Fla.) Dent (Pa.)
Diaz-Balart (Fla.) Frelinghuysen (N.J.) LaTourette (Ohio)
Wolf (Va.) Young, C.W. (Fla.)
Democrats (16)
Bishop, S. (Ga.) DeLauro (Conn.) Dicks (Wash.)
Farr (Calif.) Jackson, J. (Ill.) Kaptur (Ohio)
Lee (Calif.) Lowey (N.Y.) McCollum (Minn.)
Moran, James (Va.) Olver (Mass.) Rothman (N.J.)
Roybal-Allard (Calif.) Schiff (Calif.) Serrano (N.Y.)
Visclosky (Ind.)

NAYS (21)
Republicans (20)
Alexander, R. (La.) Austria (Ohio) Bonner (Ala.)
Carter (Texas) Cole (Okla.) Culberson (Texas)
Emerson (Mo.) Flake (Ariz.) Granger (Texas)
Graves, T. (Ga.) Kingston (Ga.) Latham (Iowa)
Lewis, Jerry (Calif.) Lummis (Wyo.) Nunnelee (Miss.)
Rehberg (Mont.) Rogers, H. (Ky.) Simpson (Idaho)
Womack (Ark.) Yoder (Kan.)
Democrats (1)
Honda (Calif.)

Republicans (1)
Aderholt (Ala.) ?

Democrats (4)
Fattah (Pa.) ? Hinchey (N.Y.) ? Pastor (Ariz.) ?
Price, D. (N.C.) ?

"Snort, Slaughterhouse say Horse Meat taste good and good for complexion too, ha, snort, drool, sniffle, snort"
Now this is not a done deal for the American horse; the Bill comes up for the vote of the entire house on June 15th, along with this amendment, and renegade Wyoming State Rep. “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis, the Queen of bloody horse slaughter, is calling up the dredges and dark demons of hell to launch a phone calling campaign to kill the horses.
At the time of this writing you can Google “Horse Slaughter”  and bring up no less than 572 articles on how this vote was such a good and positive thing.  But then enter the evil Princess of Deception, never flinching as she lies and fabricates psychotic delusions.  Below is a brief excerpt from her most recent prayer to the devil that she chants as she hands her followers a cup of horse blood laced Kool-Aid:
Speak from compassion for horses, and let them know that a quick and painless death in a processing plant is far more humane and preferable to other fates. Let them know that the animal rights activists have betrayed us all. They are making money off of the misery of horses and people. For instance, HSUS, perhaps the worst of the factory fundraisers, spends less than 1/2 of 1% of their millions to help a single dog or cat, let alone a horse.
HSUS and other animal rights organizations are solely responsible for creating a huge problem by eliminating a humane and ethical outlet for excess unwanted, unusable horses, and are leaving horse people to solve the problems that they have created.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch… it is the horses and the people who love them who are suffering. Those of us who hoped to raise our children and grandchildren in a horseback culture, who have been displaced by the devastation wrought upon an entire sector of animal agriculture, are left with nothing but the prospect of continued misery…and the ultimate disappearance of a cherished way of Life.”
Ohhhhhh…makes your blood run cold; such delusional tripe should be fodder for a one way ticket to the loony bin but instead, she continues to vomit accusatory bile from her computer.  It turns one stomach.
So it’s time to warm up the phone and the fax, once again, and thank the kind individuals who voted for the horses, compassion, dignity and the American way.  And let your local Congressional representative know how you feel, you can find them here and here
The goodness of the American heart shone brightly earlier this past week it’s time to keep that warm glow going and counter the smelly, blood red slime that oozes out of Sue Wallis’ mouth and keyboard.
“Hey Suzy, Honey…I will be sure to send you a copy of that big fat check I receive for being a caring American and equine advocate you dim-witted dope.  Better yet, I will have our broker forward to you the listing of equities that we have sold off over the past year to fund our advocacy you idiotic demon. It’s always a mystery to me how a loving God could produce something as evil and inhumane as yourself.  Be gone, evil Princess, the bright light of honesty will drive you out, be gone!”

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