Cloud Foundation
The first Freedom Fund foal has arrived
Dear Fans of Cloud and Our Wild Horses;
Makendra and I had just landed in Columbus this morning to begin the Equine Affaire weekend when I got the message that I was “a grandmother!” Not of a two-legged, but of a newborn bay four-legged.

Baerbel Stuetzle, manager of the ranch at the base of Pryors where our Freedom Fund horses live, had left me the message “the bay mare in Bo’s band (Chalupa) foaled this morning to a very strong baby---very healthy.” Baerbel couldn’t tell if it is a boy or girl yet, but the foal was about three hours old when she snapped these pictures. What’s your best guess? Is it a boy or a girl?

Once we know the sex, we will let you know and we think it would be fun if you kids out there (anyone 16 or younger) submit a name for the baby and we will choose the winning entry, sound like fun?
Best to you all. Spring really has arrived!
Happy Trails!

photos by Baerbel Stuetzle ~ April 7th, 2010
Visit The Cloud Foundation at Equine Affaire, April 8-11th in Columbus, Ohio.
Booth #819 in the Celeste Building (details here)
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