- 12-18-10 New site: The #wildhorses Daily
- A NEW site: Wild Horses Need You
- [Archived] BLM: Bureau of Lies and Manipulation
- Advocates fight Nevada wild horse roundup
- Alliance of Wild Horse Advocates (AOWHA)
- Alliance of Wild Horse Advocates (AOWHA): WAR ROOM
- American Mustang Foundation
- American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign
- Article: Cowboys and Indians--Go wild on Sept. 26: National Wild Horse Adoption Day
- Big Blend: Bureau of Land Management Wages War On Defenseless Wild Horses and Burros
- BLM Financials
- BLM to Hold Public Meeting on Wild Horse Gather Plans
- Cloud Foundation (The)
- Cloud Foundation Blog (The)
- Friends of Animals: Groups Call on President Obama and Interior Secretary Salazar to End the Round Up of Wild Horses and Burros
- Grannyfannie's Blog
- Grass Roots Horse
- Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund
- Huge Nevada muster to get under way today
- I-Team Special: The Stampede to Oblivion
- International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros
- [The] Last Wild Horses
- Madeline Picken's Horse Sanctuary
- No place for wild horses on Ken Salazar's New Frontier?
- OUR Sheldon horses… How did this happen?
- Pam Nickoles Photography
- Pryor Mountain Wild Mustang Center
- Pryor wild horses should be preserved
- ROAM Act: Full text
- Save our Wild Horses
- Saving The American Wild Horse
- Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, NV, June 2006 – Your Tax-Dollars at Work
- Spirit Horse
- Straight from the Horse's Heart
- The American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign
- The Pryors Coalition
- The World Speaks Out For An American Icon
- U.S. Wild Horses
- United States in Error About Wild Western Horses
- Washington Post 12-29-09 Nevada reins in horse herds, but critics decry methods
- Wild Hoofbeats
- Wild horse shooting re-enacted for TV crime show
- Wild Horses and More (Carrol Abel: examiner.com)
- Wild Horses Of Alberta (Canada) WHOA
- Wild horses rounded up despite Grijalva efforts
- Wild Mustang Coalition