by R.T. Fitch
Since the fateful day of September 11th, 2001 early autumn has had the propensity to give Americans the jitters and this year will be no different. There is the feeling of impending doom surrounding us, an unsettling sensation of upcoming loss and the smell of future deaths lay heavy in the air; something, again, is about to rip our American hearts out in the early days of September. But this time, we can do something about it.
On September 1st, 2009 the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is planning to launch a full scale aerial attack on one of our most famous and iconic treasures of the American west, the small wild horse herd tucked away in the Pryor Mountains of Montana known as “Cloud’s Herd”.

The BLM has not found it necessary to harass and decimate this herd, as they have done so often elsewhere, in over 15 years. Why now? Particularly considering the fact that they plan on taking so many horses that the herd will no longer be genetically viable and will surely die out.
The method of capture that the BLM uses is an aerial assault of helicopters that terrorize the horses and drives them into corrals at full speed. This panicked stampede, down the steep mountain sides, may be for tens and tens of miles and always results in injury or death for the foals while many more horses are brutalized or killed running into the chute. There is no excuse for any of this.
We have embedded, below, a video of this herd shot recently by an amateur cinematographer who lives near the Pryor Mountains in Montana. Sandy Church is the founder of the Rimrock Humane Society in Roundup, MT and her video montage shows just how special and serene the Pryor Mountains and their inhabitants are.
“I look at this video with tears in my eyes knowing what’s coming” Sandy says.
“Those little foals; so trusting of us, know that we will not harm them and in just a few weeks all of that will be broken, gone forever as they probably will not even be able to survive.”
Watch on Youtube.
“I love the Pryor Mountains”, she continued, “I always thought that this is what heaven must be like with all the splendor and beauty, but now, it will be nothing more than a killing field and the soul of this magical place will be shattered forever, it just so very, very sad.”
Call Secretary Salazar of the Department of Interior at 202-208-7351 and ask him to stop this senseless round-up. Email him at and ask the same. The only way that we can stop this is if we ALL stand up and say that we have had enough and we simply will not stand for this, anymore. Make a difference, spread the word by telling your family, friends and business associates, we have to save what is rightfully ours, the symbol of our past and the vision of our future. Our wild horses live on public land and belong to the American public. We have the legal right to say “No” to these assaults. It’s time for the bureaucrats to follow the will of the American people.
Please make the call.
For additional information go to:
Wild Horses as Native North American Wildlife
United States in Error About Wild Western Horses
Bureau of Land Management on Rampage to Destroy Famous Wild Horse Herd
URGENT: BLM still plans to destroy Cloud’s Herd
BLM found guilty of violating Federal Law in Wild Horse case
US House passes legislation to protect burros and wild horses
The Cloud Foundation
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