The BLM plans to remove over 35% (12,000+) of our federally-protected wild horses and burros this year & this must stop- roundup schedule here
1. Please watch the most recent report from CBS's George Knapp, this short news story outlines how BLM has moved from over-management to the clear destruction of our wild herds. Click here to watch the one-hour report "Stampede to Oblivion"
2. Continue writing, calling and demanding a stop to these roundups (click here for your government & media contacts). An immediate moratorium is needed if we are to protect wild horses & burros into the future. Already less than a quarter of herds are genetically viable & 20+ million acres have been taken away from them since 1971. The BLM is acting illegally and clearly not following the Wild Horse & Burro Act- they must be stopped- these massive roundups are a cruel waste of these horses lives on the taxpayers' dime. In Defense of Animals has an easy to use mailing form and great sample letter, click here.
3. Sign the Save Our Wild Horses Resolution petition & join the Cloud Foundation mailing list to stay informed (join us on Facebook & Twitter & check our Blog for frequent updates too).

4. Tune into your local PBS station on Sunday evening to watch "Cloud: Challenge of the Stallions". Check your local listings for times and join Ginger for a live chat after the show online at PBS.org. Click here for more information.
5. Please continue to support the Cloud Foundation through your donations and your purchases from the Cloud store (the new Cloud book & Breyer models just arrived- donate for your signed books and models here).
6. Please share this with friends and family-- wild horses were saved from destruction before, we have to do it again. Check the Cloud Foundation site soon for our new Kid's page. Wild Horse Annie and thousands of children saved these horses before... let's do it again, now!
Thank you for all of your incredible support and action. We hope you enjoy this next documentary and please let it inspire you to continued action on behalf of all our wild horses & burros.

Cloud turns to face helicopter in last month's roundup- Ann Evans photo. Middle photo by Tony Wengert, Cloud & Morning Star's bands race across the Pryors, Summer 2008.
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