Missing Horse
Any info please contact this person directly at
or call the police at 480-982-8260
or Animal Control at 480-983-4405
or call the police at 480-982-8260
or Animal Control at 480-983-4405
Nov.9,2010 in the morning my brother in law went to work, we live else where so that morning my husband went up to feed our horse about 630am that Nov.9th at his brothers place, he noticed our horse was gone, he came and go me, we went threw the neighborhoods asking walkers, joggers, hikers, neighbors if they have seen our daughters horse "no one heard anything and no one seen anything", looking at the gate area there was a few hoof prints out side the gate, a bar like mark left in the dirt between a truck and our daughters tie-up station where she hooks the horse at before walking her horse and the gate and there are no other hoof prints any where!! we cant even find the lock to our gate! and the chain and gate and fence doesn’t show any marks or damage from a horse kicking it so were thinking someone stole her, I called the schools bus barn, put a lost ad in the independent paper, shes listed as lost on:
my myspace and craigslist lost section*, on my face book, on my daughters myspace, on freecycle.org also for people of Apache junction/Gold Canyon and Queen Creek to keep their eyes open for her. Our daughter is so upset
Her horses name is Dandie she is a small mustang mix quarter horse mare, shes all white with very light tiny gray speckling, darker gray in the front of her cream mane, and a light cream tail, darker grayish and pink nose, untrimmed hoofs. shes about 4/5 yrs old she had a cult when she was about 3. Can you please help us find her? Now depending on who brought our horse in to you or any agency you deal with, if we know them or know they are affiliated with out vindictive neighbor they (not your organization) the people who stole our daughters horse will be brought up on charges by the apache junction pinal county police department. Please let other Rescues know were looking for our daughters horse! we want her back, my daughters a wreck right now!
*Text from Craigslist:
This morning 11-9-2010 630am-ish from Cortez Rd & Scenic area in Apache Junction Our horse got out if her pen, please if U live in AJ or Mesa please be on the look out for her, She is a quarter horse mare, mustang mix, she has small speckling all white with some gray in her mane and a light tail. some black on her nose, she belongs to our daughter, we were getting money to have her borded elsewhere till she got out. please return her to us, we dont want to lose our baby girl! call:480-474-8119 or call the police at 480-982-8260 or Animal Controll at 480-983-4405 please return her to us! to see our daughter with her please go to her site at www.myspace.com/sarinasworld, shes her avitar
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