Straight from the Horse's Heart
Information supplied by the
You CAN Make a Difference
Photo courtesy of Brandi Turner ~ Animal's Angels
Introduced in June by Senator
Mary Landrieu (D-LA), the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (S. 1176) would prohibit the interstate/international transport and transfer of ownership of any equine intended for slaughter for human consumption. If passed, this bill will finally stop the flow of U.S. horses into Mexico and Canada, where they are processed for their meat and eaten overseas. Our eyes and ears in Washington tell us that this is an important week for this issue in Congress, so we need your help today! We urge you to contact your U.S. senators as soon as possible to request that they sign on to cosponsor the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act.
What You Can Do
Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online, where you can learn more about this bill, send a quick email to your senators, and find their contact information if you’d also like to call their offices.
Thank you for taking immediate action, fellow equine advocates!
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