Thursday, December 6, 2012

Exclusive Photos: Reno Residents Riled Over NV AG Dept Wild Horse Cruelty

Straight from the Horse's Heart

Posted: December 6, 2012 by R.T. Fitch

Update by R.T. Fitch ~ volunteer president/co-founder of Wild Horse Freedom Federation
Photos Show Ag Department Cruelty
3 week foal under attack
3 week foal under attack
Reno Wild Horse Advocates are not only outraged by the Nevada Department of Agriculture’s war against the Virgina Range horses but also the documented cruelty exhibited with the manhandling of the these wild horses upon capture.
After running several of the local stories, here on SFTHH, we received emails, testimonials and pictures regarding the inhumane practices of the Ag dept. from outraged advocates.
Included, here, are two photos of Ag agents cruelly manhandling a 3 month old foal.  This needs to stop and it needs to stop now.
We strongly encourage you to call, email and/or fax Nevada’s Governor Brian Sandoval,
Office Phone: (775) 684-5670
OfficeFax: (775) 684-5683
12-6-12_dept_of_ag_manhandling_a_3_week_old_foaland let him know, even if you do not live in Nevada, that you do not approve of the state’s attack upon the Virginia range horses and that you will spread the negative news far and wide until such actions cease.
Likewise, please contact the office of the Department of Agriculture’s Director Jim Barbee and express your concern.
Office Phone: 775-353-3600
Office Fax: 775-668-1178
Please remember that these captured horses will go to auction and historically, if not rescued by advocates, will be purchased by kill buyers and go to slaughter, that is a given.
And wild horse and burro advocates in Nevada; we stand with you in your fight for the horses.  Be it the BLM, State agencies or any other governmental group that rains suffering down upon our icons of the west, Wild Horse Freedom Federation and SFTHH are at your side and share in your passion to seek freedom and long lives for the wild horses and burros of the United States of America.
Keep the faith.
Photos courtesy of Kathy McCovey

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