EWA Charts Downhill Course of Summit MC
By Steven Long,
HOUSTON, (Horseback) – The director of the federal Bureau of Land Management has endorsed a pro-slaughter rally by “tentatively” accepting an invitation to speak at the “Summit
Other BLM personnel advertised by the organization as speakers are Dr. Boyd Spratling, a member of the agency’s Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board, Dave Cattoor, the BLM lead helicopter contractor, Larry Johnson, a former advisory board member, and Dean Bolstead a management specialist with the Wild Horse and Burro Program.
The BLM chief Washington spokesman, Tom Gorey told Horseback Magazine that Abbey, an Obama appointee, would speak.
“I can confirm that BLM Director Bob Abbey has tentatively accepted an invitation to speak at the horse summit,” Gorey said. “I would note that the Department of Interior and the BLM have already removed from the discussion table any consideration of the euthanasia of healthy wild horses and the unlimited sale of older horses, even though these legal authorities exist under the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971, as amended.”
By using the term “unlimited sale,” Gorey is acknowledging that the agency has prohibited the sale of captured wild horses to “killer buyers” who haunt the nation’s horse auction houses and buy cheap horses, and sometimes family pets, then sell them in Canada and Mexico for slaughter. But by accepting the invitation, Abbey has at the very least given the potential slaughter of wild horses the government’s imprimatur of acceptance by an agency which only two years ago was considering euthanasia of the herds by the tens of thousands according to a report leaked to the Associated Press and reported.
“The Director’s remarks will therefore be limited to the present and future course of the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Program, which the BLM is committed to putting on a sustainable track, as called for by the Government Accountability Office in a report issued in October 2008,” Gorey said. “The Director is also open to discussing the wild horse eco-sanctuary proposal of Madeleine Pickens and similar proposals,” he told the magazine.
Gorey didn’t explain why Abbey would discuss the eco-sanctuary proposal of the Texas billionaire and her husband with Wallis and others in attendance who primarily want to develop a market for horse meat and rid BLM lands of horses to open up new grazing leases.
Gorey could not confirm if any of the other BLM personnel and former personnel would be attending, including Bolstead who he said was out of the office Wednesday afternoon when the story broke.
United Horsemen came into being shortly after the election of Sue Wallis to the Wyoming legislature. It has had scant success in putting together a viable program until recently when the Summit was announced. Earlier, the group said several BLM officials had confirmed they would be attending. Upon contacting the agency, none of the officials had accepted an invitation. The current set of officials the group is claiming will attend were not among the original names made public. None of those names are currently listed as speakers.
The slaughter of American horses for human consumption is illegal in the United States. Studies have shown that it is unlikely that a viable market for domestic horsemeat will ever again develop, either here or abroad, because of the toxicity of American horses which are frequently given high doses dangerous chemicals in drugs such as phenylbutazone and horse wormers. The European Union has banned the import of American horsemeat containing such toxic substances that are dangerous to humans. Yesterday the Senate passed a law, already enacted by the House, giving the Food and Drug Administration vastly increased power over the nation’s food supply. It is extremely dubious that untainted horsemeat in commercially viable numbrs would ever pass FDA inspections. President Obama is expected to sign the the new legislation into law.
Asked if FDA authority over food, including horse meat, would have any impact on plans for a horse slaughter plant Summit official Dave Duquette refised comment.
“ Sorry Steven, I do have the ability and so do you to talk to someone without spewing it all over the world. But because of your inability to use that train of thought I have no desire or reason to “Go on the Record” with you,” Duquette said in an email to the magazine.
As a public service to our readers, Horseback is reprinting the entire progam of the event which was provided to the magazine by Duquette.
January 3rd – Monday
6:00 pm – Opening Reception – Trent Loos – Master of Ceremonies for the Summit of the Horse
Trent Loos is a farmer, rancher, and radio host with a special love for folks who lead the same life he has chosen. Trent is a sixth-generation resource provider, specializing in supplying seedstock to pork producers, and beef cattle. When he’s not busy cutting cattle, Trent’s passion is spreading the word about the many positive things in production agriculture, where it is “individuals, not the institutions, that make a difference.”
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January 4th – Tuesday
9:00 am – Welcome and Opening Remarks
John Falen, President of Public Lands Council & Tom Collins, Clark County, Nevada, Commissioner
9:30 am – Opening Keynote: The Politics of Land and Horses
U.S. Congressman Charlie Stenholm, Texas, (retired)
9:45-10:00 – Break
10:00 am – The Horsemen’s Forum – Necessary Steps to Restore Lost Value and Normal Markets
A discussion that includes a broad range of horse industry spokespersons representing horse marketing, top trainers in various disciplines, breeders, breed registries, and event organizations. Forum participants will give their brief answer to the question, “What are the most important things that need to be done to restore the horse industry in the United States?” This first round will be followed by questions and answers with the audience.
Dave Duquette – Hermiston, Oregon – working cow horse trainer
Frank Bowman – Springfield, Illinois – Horsemen’s Council of Illinois
Bill & Jann Parker, Billings, Montana – Billings Livestock Horse Sale
David Solum, Solum Brothers – Lamar, Missouri – breeder – production sale
Ted Robinson – Oakdale, California – cow horse trainer
Dennis Foster – Virginia – Master of Fox Hounds Assn
Johnny Zamrzla – California Horse Council – PRCA
Ike Sankey – Joliet, Montana – Sankey Pro Rodeo – PRCA stock contractor
Bob Loomis – Marietta, Oklahoma – NRHA trainer and breeder
Katherine Minthorn Good Luck – Pendleton, Oregon – Intertribal Agriculture Agency
Tyson Larson – Nebraska – rope horse trainer and Nebraska State Senator
12:00 Noon – Lunch Break
Afternoon Sessions: Healthy lands/Healthy Horses—Restoring ecological balance to federal lands, controlling excess and unwanted feral horses on state, tribal, and private lands.
1:30 pm – Bob Abbey, BLM Director – Sustainable & Realistic Solutions to Wild Horse & Burro Program
2:15 pm – Wild Horse Gathers and Issues Regarding Horse Welfare
Dr. Boyd Spratling, DVM and member of the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Committee
2:45-3:00 pm – Break
3:00 pm – The BLM situation
A forum of land management agencies, range specialists, equine specialists, wildlife conservationists, Western state policy makers, and domestic horse industry representatives discussing the current situation on the land, and effects on other users of federal lands, as well as market effects on the horse industry of BLM policies.
John Falen, President of Public Lands Council
Dean Bolstead, BLM wild horse program
Dave Catoor, horse gathering contractor
Steve Torbit, National Wildlife Federation
Larry Johnson, Nevada Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife and former member of BLM Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Committee
4:00-4:15 pm – Break
4:15 pm – Unintended Consequences on State, Tribal, and Private Lands
Tribal leaders join with private land owners and state land managers to discuss the breadth and scope of devastation wrought by uncontrolled populations of feral horses not under the jurisdiction of the federal government. This forum includes a discussion of the unintended consequences that have resulted in the alarming increase of abandoned, neglected, and starving horses.
Arlen Washines, Yakama Nations
Frank Bowman, Illinois Horse Council
Katherine Minthorn Good Luck, Umatilla, Intertribal Agriculture Council & Northwest Tribal Horse Coalition
Jeri Dobrowski, AMillionHorses.com
Jason Smith, Warm Springs Tribe,
Wade Cox, Colorado rancher
6:00 pm – Evening Reception – The Equine Market Report
An informal discussion with those involved with horse sales and horse marketing from around the country hosted by Nancy Robinson, Vice President for Government and Industry Affairs, Livestock Marketing Association
January 5th – Wednesday
Morning Sessions: The U.S. Horse Industry—Protecting our horseback cultures and livelihoods
9 am – The International Animal Rights Agenda and what is Necessary to Counter Activist’s Tactics, Dennis Foster
Dennis Foster is the Executive Director of the Masters of Foxhounds Association in Virginia. A retired military intelligence officer, Dennis has become an internationally renowned expert on the radical agenda of animal rights organizations worldwide. Following Foster’s presentation, will be a panel discussion including those who have been on the front lines, such as horse owners who have been attacked by animal rights groups speaking from their experience. The objective will be to provide practical, hands-on advice and training on how to protect yourself and your way of life from radical extremist agendas.
Frank Bowman, Horsemen’s Council of Illinois
Mindy Patterson, American Federation of Animal Owners
Denissa Malott, Victim of HSUS abusive actions, and her ongoing effort for justice
Dave Duquette, United Horsemen, who continues to work closely with Denissa Malott and her ongoing battle
10:15 – 10:30 am – Break
10:30 am – Protecting our grazing & other rights— Karen Budd Falen, Wyoming
Attorney Karen Budd Falen has gathered data and conducted research which exposes the egregious misuse of Equal Access to Justice Act funds by environmental and animal rights groups, who have used federal taxpayer dollars to sue the federal government with the objective and end result being the taking of private property rights of animal owners and livestock producers. Her discussion will include straightforward advice on what rights we have as animal owners, and steps we all need to take to petition the government for redress of grievances—a constitutionally guaranteed right of every American citizen.
12:00 Noon – Lunch Break
Afternoon Sessions: Efforts underway to provide humane and economically viable options
1:30 pm – Dr. Temple Grandin – Humane Handling of Horses
2:30 pm – Efforts underway to provide humane and economically viable options
In spite of the economic devastation of the horse industry, efforts around the country are underway to bring humane and regulated horse processing back to the U.S. This forum will include those involved in enterprises already underway to build plants in Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, Wyoming and elsewhere.
Ed Butcher, Montana
Jason Smith, Warm Springs Tribe, Oregon
Sue Wallis, Wyoming
3:15-3:30 pm – Break
3:30 pm – Setting the high standard for humane processing of horses
Representatives from U.S. and Canadian animal science and humane livestock handling organizations, as well as federal and state livestock processing regulatory agencies discuss what is necessary for the humane processing of horses. This will include a presentation of the Equine Humane Handling and Assessment Project of the Horse Welfare Alliance of Canada.
Tim Amlaw, American Humane
Temple Grandin & Mark Deesing from Grandin Livestock Systems
Joey Astling, USDA/APHIS Slaughter Horse Regulation
Jennifer Woods – Humane Handling and Assessment Tool Project
4:30 pm – The international perspective
How the U.S. situation is affecting the Canadian and Mexican horse industry, as well as global impacts.
Bill desBarres, Horse Welfare Alliance of Canada
Chris Gould, Canada, World Breeding Federation of Sport Horses
Rob Leach, Australia, horse trainer familiar with feral horse and camel depredation problems in Australia
Manuel Sada, Criadores de Caballos Deportivos Mexicanos AC, Mexico
6:00 pm – Evening Reception – Canadian and United States Connections in the Equine Economy
Temple Grandin book signing
January 6th – Thursday Morning
8:30 am – Brian Sandoval, Governor of Nevada (or his designee)
9:00 am – U.S. Congressmen Doc Hastings, Washington, new Chairman of Natural Resources Committee
9:30 am – Gary Moyer – Board of Directors – National Conservation Districts
10:00 am – Steve Foglesong – National Cattlemen’s Beef Assn (NCBA) President
10:45 am – 11:00 am Break
11:00 am – G.B. Oliver – Executive Vice President, Paragon Foundation
The Paragon Foundation was founded on the idea that it is the responsibility of government to protect the rights of fellow Americans, as written in the Constitution, as well as the responsibility of every American to make sure the government remained true to its purpose. Understanding that knowledge is power, Mr. Oliver will wrap up the Summit of the Horse in a way that seeks to arm landowners, land managers, horse owners and horse industry professionals with the information and negotiating skills necessary to protect their property.
11:30 am – Roundup – Mobilization of the Horse Industry
Horse people unite to drive forward a comprehensive agenda developed by horse people, for horse people. We take back the reins and make sure that Congress and the U.S. citizenry understands what is truly in the best interests of horses, and in the best interests of people who seek to continue basing their lives and livelihoods on an economically thriving equine industry that is environmentally, ethically, and morally sound. This effort will include specific recommendations to policy makers in regards to sustainable management of wild horses and burros on federal lands, as well as legislative and regulatory changes necessary to restore the domestic horse industry.
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