Politicians Cave-In to Minority, Radical, Horse Slaughter Fanatics
Washington, DC – Congressman Jim Moran, Northern Virginia Democrat, released the following statement after the House of Representatives voted to approve H.R. 2112, the Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-Science & Transportation-HUD Appropriations Bill. H.R. 2112 also included a Continuing Resolution to fund the federal government until December 16, 2011.
EWA President John Holland presenting Congressman Jim Moran with commemorative award during the International Equine Conference ~ photo by IEC staff photographer Terry Fitch
“While I ultimately supported this appropriations bill, I have serious objections with the conference committee’s decision to remove House-approved language preventing horse slaughter, language that had been in the bill for the past five years and I authored this year.”
“I want to thank Agriculture Appropriations Ranking Member Sam Farr for his efforts to maintain the language during the conference process. While those dedicated to reinstating this inhumane practice succeeded today, we’ve far from seen the last word on this issue.
“I am committed to doing everything in my power to prevent the resumption of horse slaughter and will force Congress to debate this important policy in an open, democratic manner at every opportunity. Now, more than ever, it is crucial that Congress pass the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (H.R. 2966) to permanently prohibit the slaughter of American horses.”
Related articles
- Video: Confessions of a Horse Slaughter Kill Buyer (rtfitch.wordpress.com)
- EWA Takes Horse Slaughter Issue to Law Makers (rtfitch.wordpress.com)
- Ag Bill Passes Without Prohibition Against Federal Horse Meat Inspectors (rtfitch.wordpress.com)
- Pro-Horse Slaughter Monsters: Are They Worth Any Notice? (rtfitch.wordpress.com)
- Obama Urged to Keep ” No Horse Slaughter” Campaign Promise (rtfitch.wordpress.com)
- Horse Slaughter: What YOU can do NOW to Stop it’s Return (rtfitch.wordpress.com)
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