OpEd by R.T. Fitch~ Author/President Wild Horse Freedom Federation
Filth First Thing in the Morning is a No Go!
It was late Sunday night when I sat before the computer contemplating what to write for Monday in the way of Equine news. While my mind was churning away I browsed through the comments regarding our weekly Sunday “feel good” story and noted how many people sincerely enjoy taking a break from the stupidity and insanity of equine neglect, abuse and slaughter. Everyone needs to catch their breath and regain their footing.
So I asked myself several questions in regards to what people might want to read on a Monday morning, starting another work week with Friday seeming so very far away…and I took notes:
Graphic used in Wallis/Duquette email blast about American horses
1.) Would our readers be interested in learning that Equine Terrorist “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis and her trusty lap dog, Dave “Doink” Duquette were once again caught defrauding the public and legislators this time by using a picture of a dead Spanish horse in their printed propaganda claiming it was a horse that American Advocates had starved? Probably not, it’s nothing new. From bogus truck raffles to misuse of 501(c)3s nothing surprises anyone anymore. There is no bottom in the barrel of how low these two can sink.
2.) Would it peak anyone’s interest that the deadly duo publicly admitted the above fraud that was transmitted through their shady United Horseman organization and then shrugged it of with a BFD (Big F#%$king Deal) comment on Facebook? Nahhh, low life scum-balls experience great difficulty when attempting to articulate their twisted opinions and bogus agendas in public. It’s a struggle for them not to cuss.
Copyrighted picture hijacked from Spanish Newspaper then altered by Wallis/Duquette.
3.) Anyone care if the horse eating fanatics have become so afraid of the light that they created a bogus page on Facebook in an impotent and juvenile attempt to mock our book which is centered on equine connection and love with profits going to a non-profit horse rescue? Hey, what do you expect, they are desperate and swimming upstream against 3/4 of public opinion that does not want bloody horse slaughter on U.S. soil. They are backed into a corner and sitting around they find that playing with themselves is more fun that researching fact and truth.
4.) Would good folks care if after condoning and pledging support for a woman who killed her horse, stripped off her clothes and climbed inside the horses body so that her boyfriend could take pictures of her inside it before they ate it that Sue Wallis and Duquette posted gruesome pictures on their Facebook page, wrote fraudulent rescue stories and then bragged about how offensive they were? Nope, everyone already knew that, no surprises there.
5.) Do folks know that it is legal to give one’s opinion of celebrities, personalities, politicians but it is not lawful to attempt to cause fiscal damage by inaccurately defaming products or services which is the line that the two horse eaters have crossed and publicly documented with their advocate attacks on their kindergarten page? No, educated, compassionate and self-actualized human beings innately are aware of such things if not firmly versed in appropriate law and conduct.
6.) Does anyone care about the horrible and grotesque legacy that these two are leaving for their offspring and the emotional damage that they must be doing to the people around them? That would probably be a big 10-4 on that one. Children look up to their parents, even in an abusive household, but it always helps the emotional and intellectual growth of a child if they have some sort of pride or respect factor that they can latch onto instead of a preoccupation with death, blood and a sub-culture of killing and eating family pets and friends. It is shameful, sad and unfortunate that young, susceptible spirits cannot pick their parents. I am certain that many people feel that their hearts go out to those who are trapped against their will in the cold and slimy pit of the dark side with no way out and no means in which to cleanse themselves. For those there is great pity.
Soooooo…I took the coward’s way out and wrote nothing but in so doing you all were spared a seedy and grotesque beginning to the first day of the work week and perhaps can better handle such perverted revelations later in the day.
It’s important that we stay abreast of the unsavory tactics utilized by the dark-side but at least tonight, you can sip on a Wrangler Iced Tea while you clear your mind of the filth.
Click (HERE) to view Horseback Article on Wallis/Duquette Graphic and Propaganda
Click (HERE) to view Spanish Article where Wallis/Duquette Hijacked Photo
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