Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Wild Horse Education

At this time there are several removals and projects currently under “comment” period for public input.  WHE will issue sample comments on each in the next few days. The current roundup schedule has NOT been posted. WHE is in the process of creating a schedule to make sure that someone is at roundup operations and we need your donations to get the trucks on the road.
Each area for a comment will receive a unique posting within days of “due date.”

Taken August 29, 2010 at Twin Peaks

“SAM” eco-sanctuary, Elko District BLM: scoping comments due 9/19
This project is currently in the “scoping” phase. That means that comments submitted by the public that address concerns and make suggested alternatives are being accepted by the Elko District of BLM. Those comments will in turn be utilized in drafting an EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) that will present three alternatives to the public for comment.
Written comments accepted until September 19th: Interested individuals should send written comments to the BLM Elko District Office, Wells Field Office, 3900 E. Idaho Street, Elko, NV 89801, Attn:
Wild Horse Eco-Sanctuary, or fax at (775) 753-0385. Comments may also be submitted to the project e-mail address: EcoSanctuaryComments@blm.gov
Information about the project can be located at the following links:

Triple B 2011 (Leigh)
Triple B/Maverick Medicine water trap comments due Oct. 4
(Sample Comments to be posted soon)
Elko District seeks public comment on proposed Trapping in the Triple B/Maverick Medicine HMA’s.
A removal operation took place in July and August of 2011 at Triple B. The area is currently under an Injunctive Order to helicopter pilot conduct.

“Unsticking” a horse head,(Triple B)
The public is encouraged to review the EA and provide comments or concerns about this proposed gather and removal of wild horses in writing, prior to 5 p.m. (PST) on Oct. 4, to the BLM Wells Field Office, Attention: Wells Field Office Manager, 3900 E. Idaho St., Elko, NV 89801, faxed to (775) 753-0255, or emailed to:TripleBMaverickMedicine@blm.gov.
BLM is accepting comments through Oct. 9 for the Owyhee Complex
Sample comments will be posted (and linked) here shortly

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