Friday, August 16, 2013

R.T. Fitch Nominated for National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board

Straight from the Horse's Heart

“It is my honor to announce that Equine Welfare Alliance and have nominated R.T. Fitch for the Public Interest opening on the National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board.”    – Debbie Coffey
Jerry Finch (Habitat for Horses), R.T. Fitch (Wild Horse Freedom Federation), with Rep. Jim Moran (U.S. Congress) discussing issues in the halls of Congress
Jerry Finch (Habitat for Horses), R.T. Fitch (Wild Horse Freedom Federation), with Rep. Jim Moran (U.S. Congress) discussing issues in the halls of Congress
R.T. has been a true leader in the fight to save the wild horses, and has done much, including:
  • rescued abused horses in Brazil (including bringing one back to the U.S.) 1997 – 2000
  • rescued, rehabilitated, fostered and placed many equines through Habitat for Horses  2001 – present
  • Board of Directors Lone Star Equine Rescue/Habitat for Horses 2001 – present
  • worked directly with the former Governor of Louisiana in rescuing equines after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, as featured in the book “Horses of the Storm
  • attended multiple BLM wild horse roundups
  • attended and has spoken at multiple BLM National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board meetings
  • organized and has spoken at Press Conferences opposite multiple BLM National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board meetings
  • acted as a citizen lobbyist on issues of horse slaughter in Washington D.C. on many occasions
  • has  been endorsed to the President by members of Congress on behalf of equine welfare
  • co-founded and sits as President of Wild Horse Freedom Federation
  • author of the acclaimed book “Straight from the Horse’s Heart
  • author of multiple equine related articles in Horseback and True Cowboy magazines
  • traveled to Outer Mongolia to research and observe the re-introduction techniques of the true wild horse, “Takhi” – 2012
  • has been the Master of Ceremonies for the International Equine Conference
  • was a guest speaker at the recent Equine Advocates Equine Conference
  • will be a guest speaker at the upcoming International Equine Conference
  • Author of many equine related article on the “Straight from the Horse’s Heart Blog,” which has been running for over 4 years and has had 2.5 million hits
  • cares for and attends to 5 rescued/adopted horses on personal property  2001 – present
And last, but by no means least, R.T. has shared his courage, his wit and his recipe for cowboy iced tea with all of us.  Thank you for your dedication and hard work, R.T.  We’re proud of you and we hope you will be appointed to this Advisory Board.   -  Debbie Coffey

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