Dear Supporters of the Unified Letter Calling for a Moratorium on Roundups,
Happy Thanksgiving! The impact of our collective statement is gaining steam! In addition to over 140 organizations now in support, celebrities are joining the cause as well: Sheryl Crow, Mariana Tosca, Ed Harris, Wendie Malick, Viggo Mortenson, Kevin Nealon, and Michael Blake. We have good news to share too- in case you haven't yet heard: In Defense of Animals (a supporter of this moratorium) filed suit against the BLM to stop the massive and inhumane Calico roundup, and because of this suit the BLM has agreed to delay the roundup by 28 days so that the case can be heard! Read the full press release here.
All details here on the Cloud Foundation site or here from Equine Welfare Alliance site!
A fine example (with a fun comic too) is the Int'l Fund for Horses
A Unified Letter calling for an immediate moratorium on roundups has now been signed by over 155 organizations, celebrities and scientists. Please add your support!
Send an e-mail and sign petition for moratorium in one easy step+ add your personal message- click here!
Call (202) 208-7351 and e-mail Interior Secretary Salazar
Call (202) 208-7351 and e-mail Interior Secretary Salazar
And share this press release with the media. You can read more about Sheryl Crow's rescued Mustang "Colorado" here.
Come to the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board meeting on December 7th in Nevada-- details online here.
Thank you and happy thanksgiving,
Makendra Silverman
The Cloud Foundation719-633-3842
Take action for our wild horses and burros
Support a moratorium on roundups and send a letter to Obama & your representatives: click here
Please come to the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board meeting on December 7th in Nevada-- details online here
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