January 7, 2012
A similar campaign forty years ago resulted in the passage of the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burros Act that was passed on a unanimous vote in both houses. Jo-Claire commented, “As Wild Horse Annie proved in 1971 congress listened to the children of this country. Sometimes we do not give our children credit for their ability to comprehend. Children growing up on farms which raise animals for food, are aware those animals are going to slaughter to become food, they understand those animals were raised for that purpose.” She added, “My grandson understands the difference between animals raised for food and animals that are not raised for food.”
Horse owners and advocates were outraged at the back-room sub-committee meeting that removed language that defunded federal horse inspections without a full house and senate debate. “It is deplorable”, commented EWAs Vicki Tobin, “that three legislators were allowed to ignore the voice of the people and decide the fate of horses across our nation.”
The concept came to her when Jo-Claire’s six year old grandson heard a newscast stating the President had signed the appropriations bill and could mean that horse slaughter would resume in the U.S. He innocently asked his Grandmother “why is the President letting them kill horses?” He is also aware that their horse had been saved from slaughter.
EWA is getting a tremendous, positive response from parents, schools and teachers in both countries.
“This is a civics lesson for children of all ages”, explained EWAs John Holland. “Our governments, both the United State of America and Canada provide the right for their citizens to petition their government to bring about positive change when something is wrong. Children need to know that as citizens in these countries, they have the right to have a voice and a right to be heard.”
With parental consent, EWA plans to offer sample letters for publication in the local papers of the children.
To learn more about the campaign in Canada and the U.S., please visit http://www.equinewelfarealliance.org/How_You_Can_Help.html.
The Equine Welfare Alliance is a dues-free 501c4, umbrella organization with over 210 member organizations and hundreds of individual members worldwide. The organization focuses its efforts on the welfare of all equines and the preservation of wild equids. www.equinewelfarealliance.org
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