"Facts that Refute the 7 Most Common Myths about Horse Slaughter" is a powerful new tool released by Wild for Life Foundation for the protection of equines from cruelty in the U.S. "The report provides dynamic talking points that directly counter the onslaught of misinformation triggered by the lifting of the defunded USDA horse slaughter inspections in November 2011", says Katia Louise, Founder and President Wild for Life Foundation.
Laura Allen, director of Animal Law Coalition observes, "The WFLF fact sheet should be distributed to each member of Congress who is deciding whether to endorse the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. Our opponents have waged an insidious, well-funded disinformation campaign to re-open U.S. horse slaughter houses. Even the GAO was duped. Through its film and research, WFLF brings home that horse slaughter is a cruel, inhumane practice that leaves communities devastated with the stench, the environmental contamination, and the economic losses of this sleazy business. Americans understand this as a recent ASPCA poll demonstrates. More than 80% of Americans oppose horse slaughter for human consumption. It's time Congress and the President heard that."
Katia is also the Director, Producer of the award winning film, SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES. The film is in post production pending final processing and packaging with public release targeted for later this year.
SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES is an intelligent and hard hitting expose` that reveals how government agencies and corporate interests run over the laws that are supposed to protect the horses.
The documented evidence of cruelty, egregious violations of the law and a lack of enforcement by the USDA led to the closure of horse slaughter houses in 2007, but in the absence of federal ban on horse slaughter, U.S. horses continue to be shipped across the borders where they are inhumanely slaughtered to this very day. Now, pro-slaughter interests intend to open once again horse slaughter facilities in the U.S.
The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011, S.B. 1176, would put a stop to this plan and also stop the export of U.S. horses for slaughter for human consumption. (The House version of the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act is known as H.R. 2966.)
Everyone should see this international award winning landmark film, SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES - A NATION BETRAYED. It's a wakeup call that will undoubtedly inspire the support needed to get SB1176 passed.
Your donation to Wild for Life Foundation is tax deductible and can make all the difference in bringing this film to the public.
Learn more at www.SavingAmericasHorses.org
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Wild for Life Foundation Inc (WFLF) is a 501 (c)(3) volunteer-based, nonprofit charity dedicated to providing lifesaving stewardship to rescue horses in need and the public with learning experiences that inspire advocacy for the prevention of cruelty to animals. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Please call on Pres. Obama and also urge your U.S. representative and senators to support the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act!
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