R.T Fitch of "Straight from the Horse's Heart" has obtained permission from the Atlantic to share this information, so please go to
his blog to read it,
or go to The Atlantic HERE.
With 45,000 or so wild horses in federal control, the Bureau of Land Management selects a “pro-slaughter cattlewoman” to be the public’s voice on its advisory board

Twin Peaks Horses ~ photo by Terry Fitch
To wild horse advocates, the ones who
fret daily over the worsening plight of the American mustang, Montana’s Republican former senator
Conrad Burns holds a special spot in the pantheon of enablers, cynics, scoundrels and villains who have conspired for generations to endanger the health and safety of the herds. In November 2004,
at the last minute, it was then-Senator Burns who inserted into a 3,300-page budget appropriations bill a single-paged rider that amended the 1971 Wild Horse Protection Act so it was legal,
once again, to slaughter wild horses.
Read MORE.... at The Atlantic
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