Evita and her son, Pistol (Chalupa and Diablo in the background).
A year ago in September the BLM removed the family bands that roamed the Commissary Ridge area in the Custer National Forest, saying they were illegally grazing in this Pryor Mountains area. Their decision to remove ALL the horses in the Forest Service came at the 11th hour when there was no time to mount a protest. Their actions resulted in the removal of four bands led by the stallions Conquistador, Trigger, Bo, and Shane. The bands contained animals like Grumpy Grulla who was 21 years old and Conquistador, the magnificent 19-year-old stallion you may remember from the first Cloud film.
Conquistador (still a proud band stallion.
Shortly after, in late August, we learned that our lease would not be renewed and we began looking for another appropriate area where band members could continue to live together as families. Only through the tireless work of foundation volunteers, Laura and Carl Pivonka of Billings, were we able to secure a lease on a 1,000 acre pasture in the rolling hills just outside Billings. This peaceful refuge for our bands is even larger than their pasture near Pryor.
Annie Oakley and Pistol await turnout into their new home.
Happy Trails,
Upcoming: At least 9 protests are planned for October with 10 more in the works-- join a protest or start your own! Visit our event calendar for more details on protests and upcoming Cloud Foundation events in Illinois and Colorado!
TCF Press Room: New press releases posted now in the TCF press room as new lawsuits are filed and nationwide protests planned. Over 80 press releases from 2009-2010 now online.
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