15 October 2010
Your Phone Calls Can Halt the Round Up of America’s Last Wild Horses! Take Action today The 2011 BLM Budget has not been approved by Congress (BLM is requesting over $75 million!)-- BLM budget request online here.
Regardless BLM continues spending millions in taxpayer dollars on massive, unnecessary roundups -- even targeting more herds for total elimination! BLM is requesting $42.5 million dollars to implement stage 1 of purchasing private lands in the East for the outrageous "Salazar Plan" and an additional $12 million for the wild horse and burro program to reduce the size of 5 herds.
As of October 1 we are in fiscal year 2011 and as the Appropriations Committees in both the House and the Senate work on approving this year’s past due budget, they need to hear from you with a focused message:
1. Tell Appropriations committtee members in the House and Senate not to appropriate any monies to BLM to continue the rounding up of America’s wild horses at taxpayer expense- over $120,000 a day and rising with each roundup. As taxpayers we do NOT want our money spent in this way. Demand that no tax dollars are used for the planned removal of more than 11,000 free-roaming wild horses and burros in FY 2011. This is flagrant mismanagement of taxpayer funds for a program that is driving wild horses and wild burros to extinction.
2. Demand (once again) a moratorium on roundups. 54 members of Congress already called for a “timeout” on BLM roundups so that changes can be implemented and the Wild Horse and Burro program can be turned around before even more herds are decimated. Right now BLM is spending millions on rounding up wild horses in Wyoming and Colorado with dead-of-winter round ups planned in Utah and Nevada.
3. Urge all members of the Appropriations Committees to earmark BLM funds for the wild horses in holding, range improvement, censusing, education, release of wild horses back onto their ranges and monitoring of public lands, but NO money for roundups.
We’ve been told by BLM “if we’re not rounding up horses, what would we do?” Well, here’s your chance to cut off their spending on roundups. Maybe BLM can find a way to use their time constructively on behalf of our wild horses and our wild publically owned lands.
These horses were living peacefully with their families at little or no expense to taxpayers on publically-owned lands. Now they have lost their families and their freedom. Many have lost their lives. And it is costing us over $35 million/year to feed the captives in their concentration camps.
BLM’s mismanagement is not acceptable or tolerable to the American public- thank you for making your calls today. Please work with the Committee members in both the House and the Senate who are from your state and encourage friends and family to call as well.
Contact the House Appropriations Committee here
Contact the Senate Appropriations Committee here
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