Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oppose Roundup of 1,659 Nevada Mustangs in Antelope Complex

American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign

The Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) plans to round up and permanently remove 1,659 wild horses from the Antelope Complex in northeast Nevada which emcompasses more than 1.3 million acres and four herd management areas (HMAs): Antelope, Antelope Valley, Goshute, and Spruce-Pequop. Another 50 horses living outside the borders of the Antelope Complex will also be removed. This helicopter roundup is scheduled for January and February 2011 – in the dead of winter. Of the 427 mustangs allowed to remain, 214 mares would be administered the two-year immuno-contraceptive drug PZP, and the herd’s gender ratio would be artificially skewed to favor males.

Eliminating 80 percent of the estimated wild horse population of 2,086 (a number that is artificially inflated by improper inclusion of this year’s foals) is a drastic reduction that will destroy family bands and herd social structure. Conducting the roundup in the middle of winter is inhumane and appears to be scheduled merely for the convenience of BLM and its contractor. This roundup perpetuates the BLM's unsustainable cycle of mass removal and stockpiling of wild horses in government holding facilities which currently house over 40,000 mustangs - which greatly exceeds the number free on the range. Further the roundup is completely unnecessary in light of Madeleine Pickens' plan to create a wild horse eco-sanctuary in this area.
Please submit comments opposing this latest effort to unnecessarily and inhumanely remove wild horses from the Antelope Complex. Both Congress and the President must fix this broken federal program. Take action below today.
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