30 DECEMBER 2009
"Dances with Wolves" and "Phantom Stallion” Authors Speak Out Wild Horse Roundups

Announcing a special press conference Michael Blake, Academy Award-winning author of Dances with Wolves and Terri Farley, author of the popular Phantom Stallion book series join together at 5 P.M. in the Rex Roth Room at Hotel Rex, 562 Sutter Street in San Francisco to protest the dead-of-winter roundups of wild horses on Nevada's Calico Range. The two authors want the American public to hear their stories and stand up for the wild horses and burros before they exist only in books. They ask the public to write President Obama requesting a moratorium on wild horse and burro roundups until the American public can work with Congress to create a sustainable plan to protect our legends of the West.
Please spread the word- our apologies for the late notice! Read the complete press release here.
5:00pm Rex Roth Room at Hotel Rex, 562 Sutter Street in San Francisco - Wednesday, December 30th
Please watch the new PSA and take action to stop the Calico winter roundup
Please spread the word- our apologies for the late notice! Read the complete press release here.
5:00pm Rex Roth Room at Hotel Rex, 562 Sutter Street in San Francisco - Wednesday, December 30th
Please watch the new PSA and take action to stop the Calico winter roundup
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