Saturday, September 29, 2012

BLM annonces 2013 Wild Horse Roundups, but no humane policy


Yesterday the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced their 2013 fiscal year (begins October 1, 2012) wild horse and burro roundup schedule today.
On the schedule are Herd Management Areas (HMA) that have become very familiar to the public in the last few years. Challis in Idaho where Elissa Kline wrote a report that included documentation of a helicopter chasing a single horse and coming so close that the horse could actually kick at the chopper. The Owyhee Complex where BLM closed public land, lost the public land closure in Federal Court and then denied public access to witness a single horse removed from Owyhee. The Antelope Complex roundup of winter 2011 that demonstrated conduct the public found outrageous, but an internal BLM review found acceptable. Triple B where conduct gained the agency a Temporary Restraining Order, and later an Injunction, to pilot conduct after a helicopter apparently hit a horse with the skids (this case is a part of ongoing litigation that addresses inhumane treatment).


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