Monday, August 20, 2012

Please Oppose Another Nevada Mustang Roundup

American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign

Comment deadline: August 25, 2012.
Please help us demand a more humane federal wild horse management policy by submitting comments on the  Bureau of Land Management's (BLM's) plan to roundup nearly 500 wild horses living peacefully in the Wassuk Herd Management Area (HMA), located southeast of Carson City, Nevada. The action will terrorize and traumatize wild horses, shatter their close-knit families, and permanently remove 400 mustangs from their homes on the range. 
The BLM has issued a Preliminary Environmental Assessment on the proposed roundup and is seeking public comments. The agency allocates two to three times more forage to privately-owned livestock than to federally-protected wild horses in this designated wild horse area. The BLM claims that three of the five grazing allotments in the HMA "have not received authorized grazing in the past 10 years due to the over population of the wild horses," yet the agency's own documents show that the wild horse population in this area was within or under the allowable management level (AML) until just four years ago!

This isn’t a management program -- it's an elimination program. The federal government has chosen a violent method to "manage" wild horses because it wants to get rid of the mustangs forever. If preserving them was really the goal, the BLM would use safe and effective alternatives to keep them on the range, where they belong.
Please take a moment to submit your comments today!
Photo by Elyse Gardner


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